Our services

  • What We Do

    Encourage sustainable farming techniques and knowledge transfer to next generation farmers through targeted projects in community neighborhoods.

    Advocate for policy development to encourage farming as a profession through education and advocacy. Through various media platforms, we create awareness about the potential and benefits of farming in underserved populations in Minnesota and in the twin cities in particular.

  • How We Do Our Work

    We provide guidance and direction to those interested in farming as a start up

    We provide training to school-aged and adult cohorts in a greenhouse setting introducing them to basics of farming.

  • Current Project

    Local urban farm located in South Minneapolis that supports disadvantaged communities. The aim of this project is to link food insecurity and preserving farming techniques. Participants planted and harvested vegetables on small plots. This small-scale, seasonal project also helps preserve indigenous farming practices that can be transferred to young farmers in Minnesota.

    —Create a greener space in this urban environment for majority vulnerable adults in the city

    —Increase access to fresh produce to all project participants.

  • Partnership/Collaboration

    Please reach out to us for collaboration or partnership projects.